US      Metric
Height 71.00 -
Bust Measurement 35
Waist 25
Hips Measurement 35
Cup Measurement A
Dress Size Small
Hair Color Brown
Hair Length Collar bone to bra strap
Hair Type Type 2A. Wavy (Fine/Thin)
Ethnicity Eastern European
Gender Female
Current Location Los Angeles,US
Languages Known English, Russian
Shoe Size 9
Gray Hair 0%
Have Freckles? No
Eye Color Blue
Have Tatoos? None
Have Piercing? Some
Skin Color White
Wear wefts or extensions? No

Gender : Female

I have 10 years modeling experience

Recent Self Portraits

Frontal Selfie
Last Updated02/02/2024
Profile Selfie
Last Updated<br />02/02/2024
Rear Selfie
Last Updated<br />02/02/2024

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